the world of secretss

Friday, January 2, 2009

the really really terrible day

hies again i so bored so type again lol! today is the worse day ever and it is only the start of the year leh!kk today was the first day of pri 6 i was like so anxious to know me 'cher then when i saw that stupid mr tan putting his books at our class there i was so scared that he was our form teacher!but i still had hope cos i tot our teacher absent then he jus take over. but when he said he was our form teacher, i felt like crying OMG!!!that is not the end,all our other teacher are so fierce lol i especially see peina!!to add on to misery i had hw on the first day of sch!!and this year got psle so wont hav time to blog!!i cant stand it ! im too sad to type so i will end here la bie!!

Posted by passionate secrets at 1:38 AM


happi new year so long nvr post damm busy with sch work lol.on the 31st of dec,me cousin came to my house to stay over nite .they came at 7 oclock then we gamble (with real money of course) until 4 oclock the next morning !ha ha then i chated with my cousin until 5oclock then sleep .he he then the next morning i wake up at 2pm .After brunch we gamble frm 3oclock -8oclock!!im a total gamble addict! first i win lots of money but then when the ox year came,i lost of money boo hoo!so i dont expect much gd luck since i lost money on the first day of the new year!nvm la jus try to tah han la .got to do me work liao bie !i will post to you later..

Posted by passionate secrets at 1:25 AM

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Woo hoo !! exams r finally over and i can relax and enjoy meself!!YEAH! At least i got 3As lah but me maths results is so damm lan lol!But who cares anyways.Best part is dat i dun have 2 wake up so early lol and dat stupid Mr Tan 4got 2 give the supplementary consent form !Muahahah!dun even bother 2 do his homework i'm sure he will 4get next year lol!he have very bad memory!=p

Posted by passionate secrets at 6:31 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hies !!!

Hies all !Welcome 2 me blog where u will share me wonderful secrets in me life!First of all i 'm a happi go lucky gurl seeking 4 fun and happiness in life!!dis isn't me first post as i had deleted me old blog 'bout a month ago!(whoops!)ha has !anyway,i've got a new blog so who cares bout the
old one anyways! will type back 2morrow to tell u bout me results!ciao!=p

Posted by passionate secrets at 12:00 AM